6 Rounds
Min 1: Row 300/250m
Min 2: 20 Box Jumps (24/20”)
Min 3: 12 Burpees
Min 4: Rest
6 Rounds
Min 1: Row 250/200m
Min 2: 15 Step Ups
Min 3: 10 Burpees
Min 4: Rest
Each round = 332/282 reps (Rxd).
Subtract any rep/meters you don’t reach from your score each round.
This is a challenging workout today. The numbers are pretty aggressive for all categories, and 6 rounds is a lot. We included the minute rest to make the numbers more achievable.
We would like people to start with the row, so we’ll stagger the start if we are short on Rowers.
Rxd: We suggest you attempt to do everything as fast as you can at the start of the minute so you can maximize rest each minute. The only movement that is a little harder to recover from is the Row. If you Row at 100% effort, you will not recover, and keeping up with the time will be difficult. If you pace this a little slower, like 80-90%, you won’t get a lot of rest, possibly none, but will be able to keep going afterward.
The Box Jumps should be done unbroken, but when we say unbroken, we don’t necessarily mean rebound style. We just mean there shouldn’t be any pausing longer than a second on the top or the bottom of the movement. You should have about 15-20sec to spare at the end. Scale the height and reps as needed.
Fitness: Shoot for the numbers given and adjust during the workout as needed. You should have about 15-20sec left after each movement to rest. Use a low box for the Step Ups so you can cycle through them quickly.
Spend 5min as a group doing some floor stretching: Supine Pigeon Pose / Leg Banded Stretches
The post The Go Go’s appeared first on CrossFit Hakkapeliitta.
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