10 Barbell Rollouts
6 Front Squats (135/95lbs)
3 Rounds
* Scale ROM for Barbell Rollout as needed.
* Scale load for Front Squats as needed — This should be done sub 5min.
Strength day with extra credit to give more work to those who want it.
For experienced athletes, go heavy across all 5 sets. You should be able to work around 80% of your 1RM for all 5 sets. Lifting this way means you lift more total volume vs. working up to a heavy 3 rep. Use the latter method for newer people or if you are struggling with any technical issue or injury. You’ll still gettime under tension, get to form a progressive relationship with heavy loads rather than throwing yourself into heavy sets from the start. Know yourself and know who should be doing what version of the workout.
The post The Bengals appeared first on CrossFit Hakkapeliitta.
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