30 Double Unders
3min Squat Hold
30 Pistols
60 Double Unders
2min Wall Squat Hold
20 Pistols
90 Double Unders
1min Squat Hold
10 Pistols
50 Single Unders
2min Squat Hold
30 Walking Lunges
80 Single Unders
1min Wall Squat Hold
20 Walking Lunges
100 Single Unders
45sec Squat Hold
10 Walking Lunges
Today we are giving everyone’s shoulders and lower back a little break. People may still be sore from Chelsea on Tuesday so let’s make sure you get the blood flowing in the warmup and you do some mobility too. This one is a combo of monostructural and gymnastics. We threw in the holds to mix it up a little and create a different stimulus in the workout.
The squat holds are accumulative. You need to accumulate the given time in each round. If you come off the wall to rest, you need to take that off your total time of work, then when you go back in the hold you can start the clock again. Everyone needs to be responsible for their own timeline.
The squat hold = regular hold at the bottom of the squat
Wall squat hold = wall squat hold
Don’t rest your hands on your legs. Make sure you are meeting movement standards and full ROM.
The pistols are done alternating legs.
Scale Double Unders to attempts today. If people don’t have double unders, perform double the amount of singles. We want everyone using a rope for this workout.
For those who are at the start of their Pistol journey, it may take a little longer to get them done, but that is ok. If you are failing reps in the warmup, then you might want to scale the movement in the workout. Their first option for scaling today is a Pistol to a Box that is either at parallel or below (not higher). If you can’t perform that, then scale further to a Bulgarian Squat . Perform half the reps on one side and half the reps on the other side.
Choose 1-2 calf/ankle/lower leg stretches to perform.
The post Pistol Whip appeared first on CrossFit Hakkapeliitta.
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