3 Rounds
12 Reverse Lunges with 1 KB (20/12kg)
50m Walk with 1 Arm OH Carry
30 Air Squats
3 Rounds
12 Reverse Lunges with 1 KB
50m Walk with 1 Arm OH Carry
25 Air Squats
Accessory Work
8 x Single Arm High Pull (each arm)
Rest 1min
1min Superman Hold on GHD
Rest 2min
3 Rounds
* Use the same load across all 3 sets.
A quick, awkward Workout today. We have extra some skill/accessory work, but it will be done after the Workout. Make sure you don’t skip it! It is very much part of the workout. Yes, you will be a little fatigued, but that is ok.
The Reverse Lunges are done on the spot, and it is a total of 12 reps, alternating legs. Hold the Kettlebell however you like, goblet, front rack, etc.
The 1 Arm OH Carry is done with the same Kettlebell weight. You can switch arms whenever you like during the Carry.
Rxd: The load on the Kettlebell should feel light-moderate for the two movements you are using it for. Nothing should prevent you from doing everything unbroken and fast. Challenge yourself to get the whole workout done in under 6/7min.
Fitness: Use a light Kettlebell or Dumbbell for both movements. If you have trouble finding a good overhead position, hold the load in a front rack position instead. 25 Air Squats should be done unbroken and fast. Scale the reps if needed.
* For the Shoulder/Midline work at the end, make sure the loads you use are heavy. You should be almost going to failure on each arm for each set. Do one warmup set with a lighter load before starting the 3 sets to give an idea of what to use. Then, hold the same load across the 3 sets. If you can’t hold the Superman position on the GHD for 1 min, accumulate 1min, or have perform it on the ground instead.
The post Pat Benetar appeared first on CrossFit Hakkapeliitta.
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