5 Rounds
3 Hang Squat Snatch (205/125lbs)
6 OH Squat
9 Handstand Pushup
5 Rounds
3 Hang Power Snatch
6 OH Squat
9 Seated Press
Rxd: The load is intended to be really heavy. Doing the sets of Hang Squat Snatch + OH Squats unbroken will be challenging for most people. Some stronger athletes may be able to do their first round unbroken but might have trouble with the rest. A reasonable amount of breaking up would be to do all the Hang Squat Snatches unbroken, then all the OH Squats unbroken. If you start off with doing sets of 1 rep at a time, the load is too heavy. Scale as needed.
The Handstand Pushups might start feeling a little harder than normal, given the high shoulder volume this workout demands. Ideally, unbroken sets would be great, but after round 1, people will most likely break them up two or even three times. That is fine. If you start out with sets lower than 3, scale the movement. First, scale the reps to 7 per round, then scale the movement to a heavy Seated Press today, using Dumbbells.
Top performers, those who can move through each round without much breaking up of sets, will be able to perform the workout in around 15min. we’ll allow up to 20min for most people to complete. Intensity will be relative today, given how heavy the load is for people. We are ok for people to be a little slower and struggle through today. The workout is as much a mental challenge as it is physical.
Fitness: If you feel like you aren’t quite ready to be challenged by the load, keep a lighter load and increase the reps to double each round, so your focus will then be intensity and moving fast rather than heavy weight.
If you are unable to keep a good shoulder/spine position for the Seated Press, stand up and perform them (do one arm at a time) or modify to a Pike Pushup.
Fitnees should take around 10-15min to complete the workout if you are moving fast. Remember you can add reps if you lighten it up.
The post jambalaya appeared first on CrossFit Hakkapeliitta.
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