60ft Handstand Walk
10 Handstand Pushup
10 Pullup
5 Rounds
10 Get Down/Get Ups
10 Pike Pushups
10 Ring Rows
5 Rounds
Upper body gymnastics bonanza today! Give those Hamstrings a break. We are yet to see Handstand Walks in an Open Workout, but this year may be a first! What do you think? Regardless, it’s a great skill to have or to be working towards. It also creates a fun atmosphere warming up while everyone attempts getting inverted, falling over and pretending they are kids again. Keep it light hearted!
Max Supinated Hold on Pullup Bar (bottom position). Scale to the bottom of a Ring Row hold.
* If you can’t hold longer than 30sec, perform a Ring Row.
(5min) Cool Down:
Plane Crash Victim Stretch each side x 2-3 times through
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