Max Effort 1-Mile Run
We use the clean and jerk in our Fitness Testing because, in our opinion, the rate of improvement for the clean and jerk is a little faster than the snatch (from what we have seen). People tend to plateau in their snatch due to the highly technical demand of the lift, and newbies generally can’t get under a lot of load due to a range of potential obstacles. We still think testing the snatch is important, we just don’t use it in our testing.
The 1-mile run is such a painful distance! Right at people’s anaerobic thresholds, making it a battle between wanting to slow down, because of the pain, and pushing through that discomfort to maintain a good pace for the whole mile. This differs from a regular CrossFit workout where you have more of an option to rest between movements or rounds.
WOD Goal
For the lifting, the obvious goal is to lift as heavy as possible for a clean and jerk (power or squat). We will give everyone plenty of time to warmup and make this a possibility. Remember, it’s just another workout day, so if people don’t PR, make sure you don’t read too much into it. It isn’t necessarily because you aren’t stronger.
For the mile, some people will know what their time is from last time or come up with a rough estimate from a past lifetime. ? This is not an all out sprint, but it is about finding that fast pace you can hold for the full mile.
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