30 – 20 – 10
200m Farmers Carry (50/35lbs)
DB Front Squats
Inverted Ring Row
30 – 20 – 10
200m Farmers Carry
DB Front Squats
Ring Row
The Farmers Carry and the DB Front Squat are done with the same load. The Carry should feel light-moderate and should be done without putting the dumbbells down. The Front Squats will feel the same. Some people might be able to do each set unbroken, but most will probably break them up once or twice. Scale the load as needed.
The Ring Rows will get spicy. They usually feel great for about 6-8 reps, and then people just start to fail. It seems there is no way around that. Even when people do smaller sets, they still fatigue quickly, so have people choose whether they go big sets, then rest and hang in, or start with smaller more manageable sets plus shorter rests. Scale people’s body positions to make them more manageable. If they are unable to perform 10 unbroken fresh, and around 5 fatigued, increase their body angle by either using a smaller box or increasing the height of the rings.
Top athletes will be able to get the Workout done around 10min, allow up to 15min for most people.
The post Dumbbellathon appeared first on CrossFit Hakkapeliitta.
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