30 Power Clean (70% 1RM)
Rest 2min
30 Burpee
Rest 2min
20 Squat Clean
Rest 2min
20 Power Clean
Rest 2min
20 Burpee
Rest 2min
20 Power Clean
Rest 2min
1 set of max reps 1 Arm Shoulder Press at 30% of your bodyweight with Left Arm
Rest 2-3min
1 set of max reps 1 Arm Shoulder Press at 30% of your bodyweight with Right Arm
Establish your max weight for 6 Lengths on each arm in 1-2 sets.
* Remember, it is 6 Lengths for EACH arm. Rest between Arms.
Heavy weight and Gymnastics combo today. Use the percentages as guidelines. The Power Cleans and Squat Cleans are done at the same loads.
How the Workout works: Perform the set of 30 Power Cleans as fast as you safely can, then rest 2min. Then, perform the 30 Burpees as fast as you can, then rest 2min and so on until the end. You need to keep track of your own rest time, so make sure you understand this before starting.
Rxd: The load is intended to be heavy today. The Power Cleans will most likely feel a little lighter than the Squat Cleans, especially since you will be fresh while you are performing them. The goal should be at least 5 reps unbroken per set in that first set of 30 reps. If you have to start the Power Cleans off with less reps per set, then you should probably go a little lighter. By the time you get to the Squat Cleans, you may be down to 1 rep per set. That is fine, as long as the break between each rep isn’t too long. Some people may not be able to Squat Clean what they can Power Clean. Ideally, you should use the same load, dictate your Power Clean based on what you think you can Squat Clean for 20 reps, or use two separate loads. If the Power Clean is too light, then use different loads. We will leave this up to you.
Attack each piece as hard as they can.. The rest periods will help a lot with recovery. The only set that will need a little more smart planning is the Squat Cleans. Think about how you want to tackle it before starting. If you want to do 1’s, 3’s or 5’s, etc.,
Aim for around 20min. Top athletes will go sub 20min, while some who are being really challenged by the load will go over 20min. The limiting factor will be the Squat Cleans.
Fitness: Keep both sets as Power Cleans, or you can switch out Front Squats for the second set if you like. You should use a moderately heavy weight that you can Clean for at least 5 reps at a time. Use the same load for the second set of Cleans/Squats.
The post Bulletproof Shoulders post-test #2 appeared first on CrossFit Hakkapeliitta.
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